
        昨日是32wk +2的產檢。小琦兒頭圍穩定成長,BPD有85mm了! 估計的體重為2046gm。話說我兩個星期就胖了快一公斤,本來以為是小琦的因素,沒想到他只胖了200gm啊! 真是的! 不過只要他發展正常就好,現在大小是標準的32週大小,兩個星期後產檢若他有乖乖的長到34週大小就好囉! 反正太大隻也不好生 :P

        昨天半夜發生了這次懷孕第二回的抽筋,比第一次嚴重而且是小腿肚和小腿前外側同時抽筋(Calf + Peroneus longus  ?)。導致我把腳板往前搬的時候前側抽筋更嚴重,放鬆或是往內側搬時小腿肚又抽起來,就這樣反反覆覆的幾分鐘痛到我全身衣服都濕透了,只好叫醒老公幫我搬。連小新都被這陣騷動吵醒,半瞇著眼睛一直問我 "媽媽妳抽筋了嗎? 媽媽妳抽筋了嗎?"  真是有點慘!!!! 希望生之前都不要再抽筋了~~~


Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2002;(1):CD000121.

Interventions for leg cramps in pregnancy.

Young GL, Jewell D.

Barn Croft Surgery, Temple Sowerby, Penrith, Cumbria, UK, CA10 1RZ.

Update of:


BACKGROUND: Many women experience leg cramps in pregnancy. They become more common as pregnancy progresses and are especially troublesome at night. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this review was to assess methods of preventing and treating leg cramps in pregnancy. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group trials register (October 2001). SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised trials of treatments for leg cramps in pregnancy. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Trial quality was assessed and data were extracted independently by two reviewers. MAIN RESULTS: Five trials involving 352 women were included. The trials were of moderate quality. The only placebo-controlled trial of calcium treatment showed no evidence of benefit. Trials comparing sodium chloride with placebo (odds ratio 0.54, 95% confidence interval 0.23 to 1.29) and calcium with sodium chloride (odds ratio 1.23, 95% confidence intervals 0.47 to 3.27 ) showed no evidence of benefit. Placebo controlled trials of multivitamin with mineral supplements (odds ratio 0.23, 95% confidence intervals 0.05 to 1.01) and magnesium (odds ratio 0.18, 95% confidence intervals 0.05 to 0.60) provided some suggestion of benefit. REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: The evidence that calcium reduces cramp is weak and seems to depend on placebo effect. The evidence for sodium chloride is stronger but the results of the sodium chloride trial may no longer be relevant because of dietary changes which include an increased sodium intake in the general population. It is not possible to recommend multivitamins with mineral supplementation, as it is not clear which ingredient, if any, is helping. If a woman finds cramp troublesome in pregnancy, the best evidence is for magnesium lactate or citrate taken as 5mmol in the morning and 10mmol in the evening.


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